Monday, November 19, 2007

Brooklyn Blog Gives "Broadway" his due

The Gowanus lounge published a photo of a recent rescue.  He was found on Broadway & Lafayette at about 3 weeks old with a smashed hip, smashed leg and severe impact bruising.  This is a photo of him on the second day of his rehabilitation -- splinted and on pain medication from the kind folks at the Wild Bird Fund.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Disgusting, dirty, filthy pigeons August 07, Park Slope

How in the world did the Dept. of Health End up Being in Charge of New York City's Wildlife?

Click on link to hear Julie Andrews Tell it beautifully

Why would anyone want to be in the company of pigeons?

Taking a break. Enjoying a moment of just doing nothing. Saying hello to your neighbor.

"Broadway" Born ~August 2007, died 12.01.07; lovely bird

In memory of "Broadway"  
A "squeaker" found under a car at Broadway & Lafayette on September 4th.  He had a crushed femur, broken ankle, and crushed hip.  After splints and cage rest, he was completely healed (see photo) and released.  Two days later he returned, looking pale.  Four weeks later he died of PMV -- the pigeon virus that causes torqueing and endless spinning in circles and that, so far, has no apparent cure.  Broadway was feisty to the end, extremely vocal and always took great offense at being placed or moved.  He demanded his freedom and expressed his outrage at any minor infraction on my part.  He harumphed in a hilariously high and shrill voice and raised his eyebrows with scrutiny as if to say, "If I wanted to move from the spot I am currently sitting in, then I would do so on my own, thank you."  And so, he perched on my bookshelves and storage trunks, without interference.  He trusted me enough to bat me with his wings, knowing he could assert his will without punishment.  I miss him already.

Be Careful, pigeons are everywhere

This is Bull.